7277.TTBK Co., Ltd. Price (7277.T)
Stock Price
Market Cap
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Enterprise Value
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Shares Outstanding
TBK Co., Ltd. develops, produces, and sells brakes, oil pumps, and engine components in Japan. The company offers brakes, including drum and disc brakes; regeneration-type and electromagnetic retarders; and asbestos-free brake linings and pads. It also offers water pumps for construction, agricultural equipment, marine applications, and commercial vehicles; oil pumps; electric water and oil pumps; engine units, such as cylinder head, crankcase, and camshafts; bearing housings; and engine assist systems. TBK Co., Ltd. was incorporated in 1948 and is headq... Read More
Sector: Consumer Cyclical
- Previous Close Fetching Data...
- Range $250-414
- Market Cap 8.89B
- Enterprise Value No Data
- Avg Volume Fetching Data...
- P/E Ratio Fetching Data...
- Dividend Yield Fetching Data...
Industry: Auto - Parts
- ceo: Mr. Kaoru Ogata
- IPO Date: January, 04, 2001
- Country: JP
- Currency: JPY
- Headquaters: No Data
- Employees: 1885
- Revenue from each product or segment:
Product or Segment | Value: | % - Total | Last 3Y: |

- Revenue by Region
Product or Segment | Value: | % - Total | Last 3Y: |