GRT.JOGrowthpoint Properties Price (GRT.JO)
Stock Price
Market Cap
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Enterprise Value
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Shares Outstanding
Growthpoint is the largest South African primary JSE-listed REIT with a quality portfolio of 440 directly owned properties in South Africa (RSA) valued at R73.4bn, including four hospitals and one medical chambers valued at R2.6bn owned by Growthpoint Healthcare Property Holdings (RF) Limited (GHPH). Growthpoint has a 61.8% shareholding in GHPH. We have a 62.2% interest in ASX-listed Growthpoint Properties Australia Limited (GOZ), which owns 58 properties in Australia valued at R51.8bn and a 52.1% interest in LSE-listed Capital & Regional Plc (C&R), whic... Read More
Sector: Real Estate
- Previous Close Fetching Data...
- Range $1010-1475
- Market Cap 44.33B
- Enterprise Value No Data
- Avg Volume Fetching Data...
- P/E Ratio Fetching Data...
- Dividend Yield Fetching Data...
Industry: REIT - Diversified
- ceo: Mr. Leon Norbert Sasse B.Com., CA (SA)
- IPO Date: January, 30, 2009
- Country: ZA
- Currency: ZAc
- Headquaters: No Data
- Employees: 637
- Revenue from each product or segment:
Product or Segment | Value: | % - Total | Last 3Y: |

- Revenue by Region
Product or Segment | Value: | % - Total | Last 3Y: |