CBE.AXCobre Limited Price (CBE.AX)
Stock Price
Market Cap
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Enterprise Value
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Shares Outstanding
Cobre Limited engages in the exploration and evaluation of mineral properties. It explores for copper, gold, silver, and zinc deposits. The company holds 100% interest in the Perrinvale project covering an area of approximately 381 square kilometers of the Panhandle and Illaara Greenstone Belts in Western Australia; and an option to earn up to 80% interests in the Sandiman tenement covering an area of approximately 202 square kilometers located in Gascoyne Province, Australia. It also holds 51% interest in the Kalahari Copper Belt covering an area of app... Read More
Sector: Basic Materials
- Previous Close Fetching Data...
- Range $0.048-0.092
- Market Cap 24.36M
- Enterprise Value No Data
- Avg Volume Fetching Data...
- P/E Ratio Fetching Data...
- Dividend Yield Fetching Data...
Industry: Industrial Materials
- ceo: Mr. Adam Michael Wooldridge
- IPO Date: January, 30, 2020
- Country: AU
- Currency: AUD
- Headquaters: Sydney, NSW
- Employees: No Data
- Revenue from each product or segment:
Product or Segment | Value: | % - Total | Last 3Y: |

- Revenue by Region
Product or Segment | Value: | % - Total | Last 3Y: |