BBTC.NSBombay Burmah Price (BBTC.NS)
Stock Price
Market Cap
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Enterprise Value
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Shares Outstanding
The Bombay Burmah Trading Corporation, Limited, together with its subsidiaries, engages in the tea and coffee plantations, auto electric components, healthcare, and real estate businesses in India and internationally. The company produces and trades in tea, coffee, timber, cardamom, and pepper; and manufactures and trades in dental products. It also manufactures solenoids, switches, valves, and slip rings for automobile and other industries; and invests in various listed and unlisted securities primarily on a long-term basis. In addition, the company man... Read More
Sector: Consumer Defensive
- Previous Close Fetching Data...
- Range $1318.2-2975
- Market Cap 114.77B
- Enterprise Value No Data
- Avg Volume Fetching Data...
- P/E Ratio Fetching Data...
- Dividend Yield Fetching Data...
Industry: Packaged Foods
- ceo: Mr. Ness Nusli Wadia Esq.
- IPO Date: July, 01, 2002
- Country: IN
- Currency: INR
- Headquaters: No Data
- Employees: 2491
- Revenue from each product or segment:
Product or Segment | Value: | % - Total | Last 3Y: |

- Revenue by Region
Product or Segment | Value: | % - Total | Last 3Y: |