Lithium Power International Limited Price (LPI.AX)

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Cash Flow Statement

Lithium Power International Limited

Currency: AUD

YEAR 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Operating Activities
Net Income -1,876,900.00
















Depreciation And Amortiz... 0.00 0.18 2.55 8.58 10.03k 8.50k 3.31k 2.01k
Deferred Income Tax 0.00 711.19k -334,309.66 470.74k 140.86k 64.17k 170.44k -13,897.25
Stock-Based Compensat... 436.42 52.21 1.21k 576.60 757.17 703.10 320.73 3.56k
Change In Working Capital
Accounts Receivables -102,792.00 81.85k -83,113.00 -21,185.00 118.28k 8.35k -148,674.00 -446,470.00
Accounts Payables 955.88k -685,801.00 292.72k -312,421.00 43.39k 73.51k 326.06k 440.16k
Inventory 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Other Working Capital -4,115.00 -107,297.00 123.49k -137,709.00 -75,393.00 -114,979.00 -782,927.00 -3,898,977.00
Other Non-Cash Items 399.91k 714.64k 7.72k 8.52k 10.49M 3.84M 9.84M -4,290,399.00
Net Cash Provided By Op... -627,582.00
















Investing Activities
Investments In Propert... -870,450.00 -660.13 -228.56 -1,099.97 -1,202,205.00 -212,013.00 -859,445.00 -1,034,508.00
Acquisitions Net 0.00 0.00 1.15M 0.00 0.00 6.07k 1.00M -5,056,830.00
Purchases Of Investments 0.00 -23,086,434.00 -13,893,535.00 -5,296,978.00 -5,173,466.00 -6,524,704.00 -8,361,029.00 -5,878,789.00
Sales Maturities Of Inve... 0.00 0.00 12.75M 0.00 0.00 458.83k 7.36k 10.94k
Other Investing Activities 0.00 23.06M -12,748.53 5.29M 0.00 -6,065.88 -7,356.77 -10,935.00
Net Cash Used For Inv... -870,450.00
















Financing Activities
Debt Repayment 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Common Stock Issued 8.85M 23.92M 33.79M 0.00 100.00k 7.79M 11.99M 23.49M
Common Stock Repurch... -480,373.00 -1,775,928.00 -2,052,676.00 0.00 0.00 -550,423.00 -635,500.00 -1,537,500.00
Dividends Paid -1,198,473.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Other Financing Activities 8.73M 23.92k 33.79k 0.00 100.00k 7.79M 11.99M 23.49M
Net Cash Used/Provide... 8.73M
















Effect Of Forex Changes... 0.00 7.24k 0.29 0.00 8.19M 829.85k 49.45 -4,949,084.96
Net Change In Cash 7.24M -7,233,079.03 19.75k -8,023.00 -8,199,930.00 -860,902.00 148.25k 5.07M
Cash At Beginning Of Per... 0.00 7.24M 3.62k 23.36k 15.34M 7.14M 6.28M 6.43M
Cash At End Of Period 7.24M 3.62k 23.36k 15.34k 7.14M 6.28M 6.43M 11.50M
Additional Metrics:
Operating Cash Flow -627,582.00 -3,797.24 -1,062.20 -1,626.04 -1,924,259.00 -2,342,370.00 -3,586,538.00 -6,562,865.00
Capital Expenditure -870,450.00 -660.13 -228.56 -1,099.97 -1,202,205.00 -212,013.00 -859,445.00 -1,034,508.00
Free Cash Flow -1,498,032.00
















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